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Recipe: Tasty Mango Trifle Custard

Mango Trifle Custard.

Mango Trifle Custard You can cook Mango Trifle Custard using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Mango Trifle Custard

  1. You need of Mangoes cube 1 cup.
  2. It's 1 cup of Mango purree.
  3. You need of Milk half liter.
  4. It's 1/2 cup of Sugar.
  5. You need 1 pack of Cream.
  6. It's of Cake slices 6to8.
  7. It's 3 tbsp of Mango custard.
  8. Prepare 8 of Red cherry.

Mango Trifle Custard step by step

  1. Firstly milk boiled and add Mango custard powder mixed them than add sugar until cook 12 to 15 minutes and flame off.
  2. Mango peel up and cut the cubes cutting.
  3. Mango purree 'mangoes peeling and Make the purree on blandar machine.
  4. Take a serving the put into cake slices and 2nd mango custard than mango purree and apply the cream and next again ths step last garnish mangoes cubes and red cherry 4hours put into Refrigerator ready to eat.

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